Orchiopexy Surgery Photos
Orchiopexy Surgery Photos
Orchiopexy Surgery Photos
<< Back to Orchiopexy Surgery Information ( Undescended Testicle)
1. Right sac empty, Left testicle is down
2. Marking incision
3. The ring through which the testicle should have dropped down
4. Testicle and cord and small appendage (can be removed, no function)
5. Testicle and cord separated from hernia sac which helps gain length. Hernia sac is repaired (closed).
6. Getting rid of spider web attachments up high to let testicle drop (key)
7. Testicle now reaches down without tension
8. Making a new tunnel for the testicle
9. Testicle passed through tunnel into scrotal sac
10. Orienting sutures to "tack it down" placed around testicle
11. Right testicle and epididymis fit nicely in new home