Meatal Stenosis

Conditions: Penis: Meatal Stenosis

What is it?

A narrowing of the opening through which a boy pees. This happens to circumcised boys as a reaction of the body to irritation of the penile head. Instead of looking slit-like, the opening appears to seal up from the bottom with a web of tissue until there is only a small round hole at the top. It can even look like a pinpoint opening.

What might I notice if my child has it?

He may have trouble aiming his urine. The stream usually goes up (often on the toilet lid) and he has to push the penis down to correct the deflection. He may also have some pain with urination, frequent peeing, a feeling that he is not getting it all out, a few drops of blood in the underwear, or even urine accidents.

What are the treatment options?

There is a simple outpatient procedure called a Meatoplasty that can enlarge the opening and fix the problem.